A Few Short Quips

Menopause - HRT - Estrogen Gel

🔥 Menopause Symptoms: Increasing Frequency

-Recent generations of women experience more frequent hot flashes than previous generations.
-Factors such as smoking, elevated BMI, stress level, and medication use contribute to the increase.
-Even after accounting for these factors, women born later still have higher odds of daily hot flashes.
-Environmental, genetic, and social factors likely play a role in the increased frequency.

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🗣️ Talking therapies may improve menopause-related mood symptoms
- CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) and mindfulness reduce anxiety and depression in menopausal women.
- Meta-analysis of 30 studies with 3,500 women across 14 countries.
- CBT, mindfulness-based interventions, and other therapies were examined.
- CBT showed the most cost-effective results.
- Psychosocial interventions improved quality of life.

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Hormone Replacement Therapy is Dangerous!

What are the reasons to consider HRT?

Another great question. What are the reasons that we consider a reason to give hormone therapy? It's hot flashes, vaginal dryness or pain with intercourse, prevention of bone loss and also if you have premature menopause which would be menopause before the age of 45.

So should everyone take HRT? Not necessarily.

However, you have to know that there are some other benefits that we can't say…we can give you estrogen to prevent heart disease but we know that people who take estrogen have less heart disease and we also know in some observational studies that women who take hormone therapy after 65 have less Alzheimer's and and neuro-cognitive disorders like Parkinson's.

We also see that there's an observation that there's a 19% reduction in diabetes so there's other things that hormones do.

Is it a reason to give you hormones? Not necessarily but someone should sit down with you and look at your family history and decide what's best for you.

Hormone Guru Answers Your Questions!
Estrogen Gel or Patch?
Click the Pic for answer

The Hormone Guru


Transform Your Life with Threads of Wisdom and Bursts of Laughter!

Embrace your role as the maestro of your hormones... And, rather than just riding the waves, command them with elegance and joy.

It's time to celebrate the orchestration of your internal rhythms, note by joyful note. But how?

  • Stay Curious: Dive deeper into "The Hormone Beat" and uncover secrets to master your hormonal harmony.

  • Cherish Your Journey: Your path is unique. Embrace it with every burst of laughter and moment of discovery.

  • Live Balanced: Discover the bliss of well-tuned hormones. Let your days resonate with the harmony you deserve.

Until we meet again on this vibrant voyage, just remember: Your path to hormonal balance isn't just a journey, it's a celebration. Come join us on this adventure. Let's make every moment count.

Stay inquisitive, cherish your unique journey, and may your days be filled with the balance and bliss of well-tuned hormones.

Until our paths cross again... Keep tuning into The Hormone Beat.