Food and Hormones

What to eat?

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Don’t Drink Water Naked!

Try THIS instead…
Bladder irritation, surprise leaks, constant urges… These are all common side effects of drinking “naked” water.

Even worse… 

“Naked” water can even cause potentially dangerous side effects such as kidney stones and dangerous infections.

Top Three Myths About Food and Female Hormones

1. Counting Calories for Hormonal Balance: Contrary to the myth that two women eating the same calories will have similar hormonal outcomes, hormonal balance is influenced by various factors beyond calorie intake, emphasizing the importance of a bio-individual approach[1][3].

2. Detox Diets and Hormone Balance: The belief that detox diets can effectively balance hormones is debunked. While nutrition plays a role in hormonal health, strict detox diets are not necessary for long-term hormone balance[1].

3. Impact of Soy and Gluten on Hormones: There are misconceptions surrounding soy and gluten's effects on hormone balance. Research indicates that moderate consumption of unrefined soy foods and organic gluten is unlikely to significantly impact hormone levels negatively[4][5].

What are the Best Foods for Hormone Balance?

To uphold hormonal balance, consider including specific foods in your diet. Here are some top picks for optimal hormonal health:

1.Cruciferous Vegetables: Broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kale, cabbage, and bok choy are excellent choices as they help the liver metabolize estrogen efficiently[1][3].

2.Salmon and Albacore Tuna: Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, these fish help stabilize hunger hormones and provide essential fats for hormone production[1][4].

3.Avocados: Avocados are a great source of healthy fats that support hormone production and balance[1][3].

4.Fruits and Vegetables: Opt for a variety of organic fruits and vegetables to ensure a diverse nutrient intake that supports hormonal health[1].

5.High-Fiber Foods: Fiber-rich foods like flaxseeds, whole grains, beans, and non-starchy vegetables aid in clearing excess hormones from the body and promote hormone balance[1][3].

6.Magnesium-Rich Foods: Dark green leafy vegetables, avocados, legumes, tofu, nuts, seeds, and whole grains are good sources of magnesium that help restore hormone balance[3][5].

7. Prebiotic and Probiotic Foods: Incorporating prebiotic foods like raw garlic, oats, asparagus, almonds, apples, bananas, Jerusalem artichokes, and chicory along with probiotics like kimchi and yogurt can support gut health and hormonal balance[1][5].

Regularly incorporating these foods into your diet can help maintain hormonal balance and enhance overall well-being.

Hormone Guru Answers Your Questions!
Which hormones contribute to intense food cravings?
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The Hormone Guru


Transform Your Life with Threads of Wisdom and Bursts of Laughter!

Embrace your role as the maestro of your hormones... And, rather than just riding the waves, command them with elegance and joy.

It's time to celebrate the orchestration of your internal rhythms, note by joyful note. But how?

  • Stay Curious: Dive deeper into "The Hormone Beat" and uncover secrets to master your hormonal harmony.

  • Cherish Your Journey: Your path is unique. Embrace it with every burst of laughter and moment of discovery.

  • Live Balanced: Discover the bliss of well-tuned hormones. Let your days resonate with the harmony you deserve.

Until we meet again on this vibrant voyage, just remember: Your path to hormonal balance isn't just a journey, it's a celebration. Come join us on this adventure. Let's make every moment count.

Stay inquisitive, cherish your unique journey, and may your days be filled with the balance and bliss of well-tuned hormones.

Until our paths cross again... Keep tuning into The Hormone Beat.